
Current/Ongoing Projects:

This Website

My website is going to be an ongoing project since it will require updating this project list. I am also planning to add on to the site in the future - I would like to possibly add a blog. As I learn new skills, I will be trying them out on my site. At first I used Jekyll to build the site but then I scrapped most of it and built from scratch. The site uses HTML, CSS and Bootstrap as well as Javascript. I plan to write about building the site in more detail once I have the blog up.

Red Hat System Administrator

I'm currently studying for the Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator (RHCSA) certification. As a refresher I took and completed the newly launched Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux on edX. The course recommends running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server through Amazon Web Services, which I have practiced on. Mainly, however, I have RHEL 7 installed on a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The link on the title goes to a GitHub repo where I am storing screenshots from my work on the RHEL 7 VM. I need to update the file names to more descriptive titles as well as add a lot more images. Also, I'm looking at free Red Hat courses on Udemy.

Lately I've been spending all of my free time on learning new skills or taking refresher courses. The link will take you to a page that lists my completed courses. Courses of note are: DevOps Foundations, UNIX for Mac OS X Users, Learning MATLAB, Learning BASH Scripting, OS X Server Essential Training and Linux Overview, Installation and Command Line. Courses that are next on my list: Project Management Foundations, Learning Virtualization and AWS for DevOps.

iOS App Using Xamarin

I've mostly completed working on an iOS app using Xamarin. I am using Visual Studio for Mac and coding in C#. The project is not in my GitHub yet because I plan to make a generic version of it and then post to GitHub.


This link will take you to my profile on Codecademy's website, which will hopefully show the courses I've completed. I am taking courses on Codecademy in my free time in order to refresh my skills and to learn new skills. So far I have completed the following courses: Ruby, Command Line, SQL, Making a Website, Responsive Design and Deploying a Website. My next goal is to work on the Python course.

Completed/Archived Projects:

Example Projects

This folder contains examples of projects I worked on during my graduate studies in Computer Science. Examples include: Software Requirements Specification, Software Quality Assurance Plan, Software Testing Plan, a Database Project and a Ruby on Rails with Heroku deployment project.


On hold for now while I focus on DevOps and finishing an iOS app that I'm working on. This link will take you to freeCodeCamp's website. I'm trying to work through freeCodeCamp's certifications in my spare time. I haven't had much time to get back to this. I'm currently in the first step, which is Front End Development; I have completed HTML and CSS, Bootstrap and jQuery.

Punk Website

This is a website that I created in 2009 as a school project using I created an archive of the site and uploaded it into a GitHub repo located here. I remember having a lot of fun with this project and doing way more than what was needed. I think this is when I first became interested in web development. This was my first serious exposure to HTML and CSS. The Weebly site has changed a lot since then; I remember being able to create/edit the HTML and CSS, but now the site doesn't allow me to do so. To quote from my site:

"This website was created as a project for an American Cultures/Chicano Studies class entitled Digital Borderlands. The purpose of this site is to inform people about Chicano Punk. Punk music is usually associated with white males, and sometimes it is associated with the negative connotations of anarchy and even white supremacy. However, punk music is about rebellion and social critique."

Python Codes

Python codes from when I was taking courses toward my Certificate in Computer Programming. I tried to make the file titles descriptive of the what the code does. Within the comments of every code is a more detailed description.

College Admissions Application

A C# college admission application. The user can select a course of study, education, work experience and test scores. Based on user input, once they click process, a message box will show either "accepted" or "denied" admission.

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Ruby on Rails

I have to put Ruby on hold for now so I can focus more on System Administration and DevOps. This link will go to the Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails edX course. The edX site is a great resouce that contains many courses on various subjects, all for free. This is an intermediate RoR course - this and the advanced course lead to a certificate. I am taking this course and plan to take the advanced one after.

Drink Dispenser Application

An application written in C#. The user can choose from soft drinks, coffee, tea or hot chocolate. If the user selects coffee or tea, she can also choose cream, sugar or honey. Once "dispense" is clicked, a message box will appear stating the selection. The "clear" button clears the form and the "exit" button closes the application.

Calculator Application

A C# app that I created as part of a graduate course in User Interface Engineering. It is a simple calculator application.

Simple Calculations Application

A C# app that I created as part of a graduate course in User Interface Engineering. It calculates the sum, difference, product and quotient of two integers. The user inputs two integers and can then select the buttons "sum", "diff" (difference), "prod" (product) or "quot" (quotient). The "clear" button clears the integers in the textboxes and "exit" closes the application.

Some Webpage Work

Old HTML, CSS and Javascript work from when I was taking courses toward my Certificate in Computer Programming. This was the first time I used Javascript. There's a few pages where I play around with different colors and using images.

C++ Codes

Simple C++ codes from when I was taking courses toward my Certificate in Computer Programming. I tried to make the file titles descriptive of the what the code does. Within the comments of every code is a more detailed descrition.

Ruby on Rails Project

This project is incomplete and I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm not even sure what it is. It began with uploading a RoR project from grudate school to GitHub and from there I started watching RoR lectures and using C9 and committing that work to the GitHub repo. It could contain three different projects at this point and I may delete the repo.

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